The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Singapore celebrated the 76th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence in the morning of 04th February 2024 at the Chevrons Auditorium with the participation of around 250 members of the Sri Lankan expatriate community in Singapore and friends of Sri Lanka.
The formal ceremony commenced with the hoisting of the National Flag by the High Commissioner Senarath Dissanayake, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. A two-minute silence was observed paying tribute to those who sacrificed their lives to protect the freedom, unity, sovereignty, and integrity of the motherland.
Sri Lankan expatriates representing Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities, the representatives of Sri Lankan Associations in Singapore and migrant employees joined the High Commissioner in lighting the traditional oil lamp.
Multi- faith religious observances embracing Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, and Christian practices were conducted invoking blessings upon the country and the people of Sri Lanka.
The Independence Day Messages of His Excellency the President, Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Foreign Minister were read out in Sinhala, Tamil, and English.
Addressing the gathering, High Commissioner Dissanayake underscored the theme of the 76th Independence Day celebrations: “Let’s Build a New Country” which highlights the desire to create a prosperous Sri Lanka. He emphasized that the contribution of the Sri Lankan expatriate community has been recognised by the establishment of the Office for Overseas Sri Lankan Affairs. The High Commissioner reiterated His Excellency the president’s invitation to all Sri Lankans to contribute their utmost energy to rebuild the nation and urged Sri Lankans living in Singapore to join hands and actively contribute to the betterment of the country.
Engaging video clips showcasing the activities of the Office for Overseas Sri Lankan Affairs (OOSLA), the Port-City project and promotion of Sri Lanka tourism and Ceylon Tea were screened adding vibrancy to the event.
The event was conducted in trilingual and concluded with the playing of the National Anthem in Tamil. The invitees were hosted to a traditional Sri Lankan breakfast with milk rice, sweetmeats, and Sri Lankan tea.
High Commission of Sri Lanka
05th February 2024

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