The Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka is calling sealed bids for supply of following items to the Ministry of Health.

S/N Bid Number Item Description Closing Date & Time 
1.DHS/SUS/WW/130/24Polypropylene Mesh, size 15cm x 15cm & 06cm x 11cm (approx)19.02.2024 at 09.00 am(To see the Document PLEASE CLICK HERE)
 2.DHS/SUS/WW/131/24Titanium Elastic Nail (TENS NAIL) system for 50 patients with free instrumentation and Suture anchors loaded with non absorbable braided sutures19.02.2024 at 09.00 am (To see the Document PLEASE CLICK HERE)

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