Mr. President,
Sri Lanka is an active participant in the multilateral framework to realize the promotion and
protection of human rights.
Fundamental rights are embodied in our Constitution, progressively advanced through our
democratically elected organs of government and enforced through our independent judiciary.
Despite multiple challenges we have faced from terrorism, we have restored peace, security
and the rule of law throughout the country. Our democratic traditions and independent
institutions ensure free and fair elections at regular intervals through universal adult franchise.
We will further advance the considerable progress we have made in post-conflict recovery and
healing. For this, we have put in place domestic institutions for reconciliation, accountability
and social justice.
Through this Council, we have completed 3 mutually beneficial Universal Periodic Reviews,
engaged in constructive dialogue with the Treaty Bodies, welcomed Special Procedures
Mandate Holders, and held frank and open discussions with domestic and international
interlocutors. We have benefitted from the considerable expertise available with the UN on
human rights including through its technical cooperation and capacity building programs.
Through the UN country team, we value the ongoing support to our domestic processes on
reconciliation and achievement of SDGs.
Through this cooperative interaction, and in line with our domestic framework and
international obligations, we continue to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights
and social justice for all our citizens, irrespective of ethnic and religious identity and political
Mr. President,
Despite the economic setbacks due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we continue to ensure our
people’s right to development. Sri Lanka has improved its global rank by 7 positions according
to the latest SDG Report. We appreciate the contribution made by our civil society partners,
through their extensive grass-roots level outreach and expertise.
As a developing Member State of the international community, we brace ourselves to face the
further adverse economic consequences of crises, such as the pandemic and the unravelling
conflict in Europe, which will impact on our efforts to achieve the SDGs.
Mr. President,
We are today in a period of review of the work of the Council. We reflect on whether the
Council has been successful in overcoming the credibility gap that led to the downfall of its
predecessor Commission.
The multilateral architecture for the implementation of human rights was progressively
developed in the last decades. Consensus was forged on key principles which we consider
sacrosanct, such as that the promotion and protection of human rights should be guided by the
principles of impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, based on the sovereign equality of
Member States. UNGA resolution 60/251 and HRC resolutions 5/1 and 5/2 also decided that
the working methods of the Council shall be transparent, fair and impartial, and shall enable
genuine dialogue.
In March 2021, the Council voted on Resolution 46/1 which was tabled without the consent of
Sri Lanka as the country concerned. The consideration of this matter polarized and politicized
this forum. In a startling departure from the mandate which the UN General Assembly
originally conferred on this Council, operative paragraph 6 of this resolution refers to a socalled
evidence-gathering mechanism, a measure that was strongly opposed by a number of
countries. Such initiatives create disharmony both in the domestic and international arenas. It
creates obstacles to reconciliation efforts, breeds hatred by reopening past wounds, and
polarizes society.
Mr. President,
Member States have mandated this Council and its Secretariat with a truly extensive array of
helpful working methods to assist Governments in the promotion and protection of human
rights. Sri Lanka has participated actively and constructively in those aspects of the Council’s
work that have been productive and beneficial, and which have helped to ensure that our people
live safer, longer, and more dignified lives. We reject those that are punitive, politicized,
divisive, unhelpful and initiated due to extraneous reasons.
Mr. President,
As elsewhere in the world, we endeavor to strike a just balance between human rights and
national security when dealing with terrorism. Sri Lanka is convinced that counter-terrorism
legislation must secure and protect the rights of persons subject to investigation detention and
trial, and must not restrict democratic freedoms such as the freedom of expression. With these
objectives in view, I recently presented a Bill in the Parliament of Sri Lanka which is an initial
step in amending the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 43 years after it was promulgated.
We take particular objection to the use of voluntary funding which has the necessary
consequence of undermining objectivity and detachment. Against this background, Sri Lanka
once again reiterates its view that the evidence gathering mechanism established under OP 6
of resolution 46/1 is unhelpful to the people of Sri Lanka, will polarize Sri Lankan society, and
adversely affect economic development, peace and harmony at a challenging time. It is an
unproductive drain on Member State resources, at a time of severe financial shortfalls across
the entire multilateral system including the High Commissioner’s Office.
Mr. President,
On the 4th of March the Council will meet in an interactive dialogue on Sri Lanka. I look
forward to sharing with you some thoughts on the written update on Sri Lanka.
Thank you.

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